The original discovery of silver lead zinc mineralization at Vangorda and then Faro has been historically credited to Al Kulan. In reality, it was Ross River Nation members Jack Sterriah (“Dena Cho”) and his wife Broden (“Las Tsok”) that led Al Kulan to the location of Vangorda beneath Tse Zul Mountain and later Faro, in their traditional hunting grounds after Al asked the Sterriahs if they had ever seen certain rocks that contained silver lead zinc mineralization.
For many years, the Sterriah family provided shelter and food for Al in their home when he was prospecting on and near the lands of the Ross River people.

The Ross River Dena Council (RRDC), through its wholly-owned Dena Nezziddi Corporation (“Dena Nezziddi”) development company, have forward the Tse Zul Development Corporation with a consortium of natural resource developers with a demonstrated commitment to Indigenous project participation, assess and acquire and consider developing the “Vangorda Lands” within the traditional Dena territory. The partners have agreed on the basic terms and framework of the transaction with the governments of Canada and Yukon.
The Opportunity
The Vangorda Lands include the idled brownfield Vangora Mine and the Grum deposit. Additional deposits have also been identified from legacy and modern exploration surveys in nearby areas.
Located northeast of the town of Faro, the Vangorda Lands are strategic assets estimated to have more than 20 years of operational life with modern, sustainable resource development techniques. They hold decades' worth of mineral reserves in demand around the world, such as zinc and lead for galvanized steel and battery production as well as silver and gold.

The Project